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Animation ToolsTextures
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Youtube Channels I like
Animation Tools
3D Assets
- Free Retro 3D asset Library — Put together by miziziz. Lots of great stuff in here for getting a project going.
Audio Tools
- Audacity — Decent free audio tool. Hard to make full songs but great for mangling sounds and creating individual sound effects. I like the ability to reduce sample rate heavily to make mid 2000s like digital distortion, as well as the time stretch functions
- Ableton Live — Definately not free. But this is my go to music making tool. Thankfully it is something you can purchase one time and actually own. Love ableton.
Youtube Channels I like
- Miziziziz — Inspiring artist and game creator. Also makes really entertaining videos. I also recommend his udemy tutorials. The blender one is what got me started in 3D art
- Harakiri Diat — Cool curation of punk and electronic music. I find a lot of music through this channel
- dismiss yourself — another good music curation channel
- karma archives — another good music curation channel. lots of drain scholar material here
- Zev Magasis — super cool filmaker. has some pretty dark videos but I love how he captures the world in a dreamy unsettling way. always makes me think of un-escapable fate when I watch his videos. A big inspiration for my own stuff.
- Jonas Čeika CCK Philosophy - great essays pairing philosophy with modern media. great way to brush up on concepts and interpret writers in a new way. love the simpsons and cyberpunk videos
- PilotRedSun — unreal videos and a huge inspiration for any humour or surreal imagery in my animaiton